Put Things Bright Background

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Twisting Tuesday!

On Tuesday nights we have a burger truck come out and serve yummy burgers, fries, and onion rings.  This week we had a lot of extra special visitors join us from Catholic Charities and Bishop Emeritus John Snyder joined us as well!

After filling our bellies with burgers and coke floats, we dance the night away.  Our DJ taught us some 50s style dances!  Twisting Tuesday is always a fun night at camp!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Check-In Time for Session 3

Despite the rain, check in went smoothly this week!  Check out some of the excited smiles as the camp week truly began!

Session 3 is off to a great start!

Session 3 is in full swing!  Our day began with a sing-a-long like always. After a delicious breakfast of pancakes and sausage and lots of different kinds of fruit, we went to Mass with Fr. Ron.  After Mass, we were able to enjoy a fun pool time and even mixed it up a little with slip-n-slide and sprinkler time.  This year we have set up a tent near the pool for our Campers to play under if they need a break from the pool.  We have bubbles, chalk, and other toys to play with!  

As I type, our Campers and Buddies are enjoying Activity Time.  Today we are painting milkshake cups in arts and crafts, singing our favorite camp (and likely, Frozen) songs in music, playing with hula hoops and other toys in PE, and enjoying some calming movie time too!

Enjoy some pictures of the pool!  More to come soon!

One of our lifeguards, keeping the pool safe!

Trying out the slip-n-slide!

We are having so much fun this week!  More updates to come soon!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Twisting into the 1950s!!

The other night we had a totally nifty time twisting to Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and Ray Charles! The lovely ladies got into their poodle skirts and the guys greased back their hair! Everyone showed off their fantastic dance moves!

Horses, Goats and Sheep Oh My!

This morning we had a little visit with some of our great friends from the petting zoo. We got to ride horses, pet rabbits, baa with the sheep, and sing sing-a-longs on a glorious hayride throughout camp.